We're a growing community in Camelford, Cornwall

And this is our website until we get a proper one!

What's the big idea?

Nourish Kernow CIC is a new non-profit regenerative market garden in Camelford. By cultivating community connections through volunteering and outdoor learning, we aim to grow wholesome local food that nourishes both body and soul.
Offering locals a chance to engage with, enjoy and learn about regenerative agriculture – from those seeking practical experience or time outdoors in nature to boost mental wellbeing, to others passionate about sustainable living and enjoying local food.
We do this by offering hands-on volunteer experiences, educational opportunities and care farm activities centred around getting outside and growing together – enjoying tasty veg in the process!

Community Supported Agriculture

Supported by our members, we grow food and share the harvests with them using agroecological techniques.

Consumers become members by buying shares in our harvests.

Supporting local agriculture brings healthier, fresher food and the lowest food miles possible.

A place for learning

Gain experience towards qualifications and employment, develop transferable skills or just try something different and enjoy time outside with others.

We are CEVAS (Countryside Educational Visits Accreditation Scheme) accredited as both a therapeutic care farm and for school visits.